The big news in my area is this insanely cold wet weather. In parts of the country where they are accustomed to it, they don't shut down the way we do. In Austin Texas, we just sit and wait it out. It only took one day for the nine trucks Austin had to use up all the supplies Austin possessed to de-ice the roads. So... all the flyovers closed last night -- Monday was a holiday for most and Tuesday we had school and business closures so I suppose two days of freezing rain is all the city plans for, as we are on day three. Rightly so, as that's the most we ever expect every ten years. The airport was packed and all the surrounding hotels. The people here from northern cities were practically appalled that we couldn't get them home. We're just not equipped for it -- not on the ground nor in the air.
Perhaps the funnest thing (aside from The Sexy Beast grilling today) was seeing the dorks who refused to move the Governor's Inauguaral Ceremony inside until the morning of the event. It really was a stitch to watch these guys, via KVUE news, blowtorch the steps of the Capitol Building, and later, pick up the thousands of COLD, METAL FOLDING CHAIRS they'd set out the day before and pound the inch thick ice off of them. I'll give Governor Big Hair this: If he hadn't gone on with the BBQ, the caterer wouldn't have had that extra 1000 meals to give away to the cold and hungry homeless. Yay!
Today the weather improved some -- a good thing... we've lost two and a half days of school and business here -- THREE and a half if you weren't off for MLK day on Monday. Nonetheless, as God would have it, we apparently required mandatory rest. I'm not complaining -- but my lips are chapped. I am quite excited to blog later about the story of the Sexy Beast choosing to whip the cover off the Weber Grill and make steaks on it. Too bad she doesn't own ice skates. And she keeps coming in and out of the house! Brrrrr. In the meantime, I'm going to trek up the tallest hill in the neighborhood to get the mail -- which actually came today! Stay tuned, because see,
Here's what it looks like around my house:

1 comment:
Lovely pics!
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