Zeta posed yet again for a short series of photos last night. She is seven months old now, and with such a sharp coiffure, tends to look all grown up. Except that her hindquarters look like a monkey's ass. I'll save you the details -- I didn't take a shot of her behind.
Her new 'do is admittedly a little short. For two days she ran around the house rubbing up against the furniture and walking on her ass to save herself the itching.
The Sexy Beast has taught Zeta to sing! This may cause dismay in some, but the truth is -- if you train your puppy to growl or speak on cue -- it does NOT instill in them an urge to be noisy. On the contrary -- it does just the opposite.
In fact, if you have a noisy dog, teach your dog to speak and growl. Then, if you want them to be quiet, don't ever give them the cue to speak! Or, in the case of our labrador beast, who has a deafening bark and a habit of using it at the front window for almost every passerby, try a time out. I know! Sounds silly -- but it works. Just like kids. Dogs are social beasts so giving them a time out is a great way to break an unwanted habit like barking. We found that after a week of instructing Othello Beast to time out, he cut his barking at the window down to only a few times a week, instead of a few times nightly. We just tell him time out, leave him in the dark bathroom for 15-30 seconds and then let him out. The worst he does after a time out is growl really quietly at the window.
Zeta Beast has not learned to bark at the window. She jumps a mile high when Othello does it. It scares her.
Oh btw, our human baby beasts are doing well too.
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