We had our first event this Sunday, to introduce the NxNW Theatre Company to the public. Our guests were impressed by our gentle approach, as they were expecting a hard core sales pitch. This event wasn't for that. It was a get acquainted with NxNW event! They were impressed by the talent, the broad experience of the founders, the place we held the event, the food... etc...
Importantly, we even got some folks who wish to help us promote the theatre. A prospective board member, grant writer, commercial property investor...
We realized when we were done with the event that the results were so satisfactory we needed to move on our next steps much more quickly than we had originally anticipated! You know... I am surprised that I am surprised. We set our sights on big and good things and are now we are beginning to get them. In a good universe, and I like to see our universe as good, why would we expect anything less? It's a nice surprise, but still a surprise all the same!
Next, we plan for another event in November... and split off to begin planning for our first production. I'm tickled.
I also realized that the cast of On The Verge or The Geography of Yearning weren't the only ones yearning to remount the show -- they served as talent for the event on Sunday, and at least two folks lit up and happy recognition of the scene and the memory of this sweet, quirky, and lovely show. We also had the pleasure of fawning and drooling over
Marc Pouhé -- whose work is known in such shows as Urinetown and Keepin' It Weird and The Exhonerated -- I didn't do him justice in his introduction as I wasn't specific in mentioning his numerous award nominations -- but he helped me. Perhaps his charm and good looks got the best of this happily attached lesbian. Still, I feel remiss.
On another note, I saw Anything Goes at The Palace in Georgetown this weekend and had a great time. My colleagues and friends Cliff (director) Dave (lead) Nikki and Barb (company members) were in the show. I say by jove, it was delicious fun and I'm proud of them -- it also sparked in me a renewed love for the show and a deeper appreciation for Cole Porter.
I'm so excited I want to see it done again. Maybe NxNW can make this an option.