Do you?

Here's the good news. I've been meaning to contact these people to see if they need a reviewer. So I did. I got a tepid reception -- maybe because I started out with requesting a credit for my photo next time. But I'm a sensible person, and since I am, I didn't push the issue, as I was fishing for further work with them.
Turns out, they're cutting back on this section. No surprise from a city that couldn't fund it's own community theatre $5k a year and determined the theatre should have NOTHING while spending $1 million on improvements on a golf course because their new slogan is "Sports Capital of Texas."
In Georgetown, an even smaller 'burb than Round Rock where $5k is only a portion of one night's ticket sales, they proudly parade the casts of their musicals in front of the City Hall. Oh, and by the way -- the aforementioned shot is of the lead actors in the Georgetown Palace's production of Moon Over Buffalo. Go see it!
And don't steal my photo!
The costumes look pretty good, too!
Great photo, Fire Berry!
The Leader has never been big on giving credit where it's due, as I'm sure you knew before this!
We don't even buy it any more, except when there's a theater blurb, at which point we get a bunch of them.
I keep hoping it's a hint.
By the way--I thought we were the Daffodil Capital! Have we switched or just added?
Heh. I did the hat Kyle is wearing!
Except that it was designed to be worn with the decoration on the left, so he's wearing it backwards.
A big marketing consultant firm came into town several years ago and gave the city it's thoughts on the city's strengths -- oh, and to help them develop a long range plan, which the city/tourism committee had not implemented ever before. How a city is run without a long range plan is beyond me. Any hoo... "Sports Capital of Texas" is the cool new slogan. Keep that in mind when funding for the arts is dwindled to nothing.
The meeting is the 22nd, this Thursday.
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