So busy, in fact, that this entry is merely to justify what I've been so busy doing.
Theatre geeks will understand just how busy I've been.
I've posted a copy of the kind and generous review critic Allen R. Brown gave us for the production of You Can't Take It With You I have been directing recently.
So it looks scruffy because my scanner is smaller than those newspaper sized pages, and you might not be able to actually *read* the kind and generous things he says, but at least I have evidence to support my busy-ness.
Tally ho!

Congratulations on the Review! I hope to see the show this weekend. Seeing as we open next weekend...
Groovy! It'll be a nice break for you. Love to have you!
Contact me for Joe's email addy, Fire Berry. I know he has a project in the works, but don't know when. He is an absolute joy to work with. Very fastidious, but then, so are you. Very professional, which always helps.
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