NxNW Theatre is beginning and completing our first set for our first show this weekend.
Julie Holden, theatre reviewer for the
Austinist, took some shots of the work everyone did today. There are a lot of the baby Johanna, but we're glad to have Johanna with us. And Julie's her mother... so... there you have it.
Everyone involved is poooped, as is anyone who pulls more than their fair share of weight for a production, while starting a new theatre at the same time. I couldn't be more grateful for the work they've done.
Mary Ellen Butler, Artistic Director of the
Palace Theatre in Georgetown, loaned us a truck load of furniture and lumber. A HUGE truck. She's devoted her life to this theatre thing and even sent an email to her patrons and volunteers inviting them to support us. She's an amazing ball of nonstop energy.
Today I thought of all the people I should have asked to advertise in the program. I wonder if Amie, our brilliant marketer, can do it this late in the process? I know tons of people who would probably say yes to the advertising. What was I thinking?
Come see the show!
Make your reservations at www.nxnwtheatre.org